Hub or centre engine – pros and cons


    Ecoride wants you to buy the e-bike that best suits you and your lifestyle. That's why we offer electric bikes with both a hub motor and a centre motor. Not many people understand the difference - but it's actually so important to know! Read through this article to find out all the pros and cons of which motor is right for you.

    Before making a purchase, you should always make sure to test drive your e-bike. Electric bikes are built differently and created for different needs, so make sure your new electric bike matches your needs. Do you cycle for fun and want some extra exercise? Or do you need to get to the office quickly and still look like a freshly sprouted rose hip? Do you live in a very hilly area and need to cycle up and down a lot? We're all different, so there are electric bikes with different motors - to match your lifestyle. Ecoride cares about its customers, so of course you can always test drive your future electric bike to see which one is your perfect match. You can find your nearest dealer here.

    E-bike with hub motor - for those who want to let the motor do the work!

    Cheaper, easier to service and more durable

    What exactly is an electric bike with a hub motor? Well, it's when the e-bike's motor is located in the hub of one of the bike's wheels, front or rear. Usually it is placed in the front wheel for practical reasons. An e-bike with a hub motor is also generally a bit cheaper. When the hub motor is on the front wheel, you get the feeling that you are pushing the bike forward, as opposed to one with the hub motor on the rear wheel, where you get the feeling of being pushed forward by the e-bike. It feels a bit like sitting on an electric moped. An electric bike with a hub motor draws a lot of battery power and provides excellent assistance on hills. It's great for commuting to work and recreational rides, bike rides where you simply don't want to get too hot.

    Thanks to relatively simple construction, prices are very wallet-friendly. An e-bike with a hub motor is also easier to service because the motor is attached to the wheel. Servicing the motor is made easier, regular chain and gear servicing is just as easy on the centre motor. The motor helps the wheel directly instead of going through gears which makes the bike more durable, the motor starts when you pedal and turns off when you stop = less wear on gears and chain. A bit like how an electric moped works.

    …but shorter range as the motor works harder and uses more battery power

    The hub motor helps perfectly on uphill slopes as the e-bike does not feel how hard you pedal and you control via buttons or display on the handlebar. The range is shorter (up to 6 miles) as the motor does much of the work on the ride. A rear-wheel motor puts a lot of wear on the cassette and chain.

    Mid-engine e-bike - for those who want more of a cycling experience

    When an electric bike has a mid-drived motor, it sits in the centre of the bike, right by the pedals. A bike with a mid-engine helps you pedal, giving you the feeling of being on a 'normal' bike. Good for commuting and giving you the extra power you need for hill climbing, for example. Many new electric bikes now have mid-drived motors for a number of reasons, including that they are easy to pedal and also feel very stable as the centre of gravity is in the middle.

    Lighter, easier to manoeuvre and longer range

    The e-bike is powered by the force you put on the pedal, so when you shift gears and pedal your e-bike, this also affects and drives the efficiency of the motor. A mid-drive e-bike is a bit more compact, the battery is often small and well integrated with the bike. The balance is better due to the centre of gravity being in the middle, it is also very easy to manoeuvre. Easier to change tyres yourself as the wheels are removed in the same way as a normal bike, no cables or connectors to consider.

    …but more wear and tear on gears

    There is more wear and tear on the gears than on a front-wheel drive e-bike and the price is higher. It is a little more difficult to service the motor, as it has more small parts than a hub motor. Longer range (up to 9 miles) as you, the cyclist, do more of the work on the bike ride

    Would you like to know more about Ecoride's hub and mid-drive motor models?

    Which motor you use on your new electric bike, hub motor or centre motor, is therefore up to you and what you want from your cycling.

    An electric bike with a hub motor is a slightly cheaper electric bike where the motor is located on the front or rear wheel and where the bike does the heaviest work on the bike ride, a bit like an electric moped. It does its job and gives a nice feeling of freedom, it is easy to ride and you get there without much effort.

    An electric bike with a mid-engine is a little more expensive, but very flexible and takes you from A to B also at a slightly longer distance with a slightly longer battery life but where you as a cyclist have to work a little more, more of a cycling feeling where everyday exercise gets a little more boost.

    Here are our models with hub motor and mid-drive motor

    Do our test Electric bike selector!