AVS click system – Modern cargo transportation with basket and bags.


    Wouldn't it be nice to pack the bike for work one day and for training the next?

    Or why not both?Maybe it sounds a bit like a dream, but now we can announce that it is complete facts. We have integrated the modular AVP system, from Swedish Atran Velo to all our models. Some have AVS platforms at the rear and front, others only at the rear and finally there are some with only rear platforms. Regardless, this creates opportunities as you can now mount various types of transport accessories, such as bags and baskets, on our e-bikes with the use of a click system.

    With about 30 differentaccessories, the AVS system covers most needs, and to name a few, there are side bags, top bags, open baskets, closed baskets, crates, even a special basket for pets.In combination with our e-bikes, we call this moveability. In other words, to be able to easily move around with your e-bike and at the same time be able to carry life with you.