5 reasons why you should commute with an e-bike


    Many of us have a bit of distance between home and work. An e-bike is a fast and efficient way to get between A and B - in all weathers. 
    This article will list 5 reasons why you should commute with an e-bike

    1. Longer distances feel shorter

    Since the e-bike gives you an extra boost when you pedal the commute distance will go much faster than a traditional bike. Commuting with an e-bike is a comfortable way to get around where you decide how much assistance you would like your e-bike to give you. The extra help will make you arrive less tired and less sweaty.

    2. Benefits your health and well being

    Many of us work still-sitting jobs that do not give us much physical activity. To begin your day with a bike ride there are many health perks. Your body gets moving, which will replenish with energy for the rest of the day. The exercise will also contribute to endorphins which are known to prevent stress, boost the immune system and lower blood pressure. Getting some fresh air will also help you - not least your mental health

    3. The e-bike is a smart investment

    An e-bike can feel like a costly purchase, but it is in fact an investment. You will quickly earn the money you were supposed to spend on gas, parking and bus cards. Here you can read about Hanna, she counted how much money she saved when she began commuting with her Ecoride e-bike.

    4. Get rid of the stress of everyday life

    Biking is one of the most efficient ways to get around, especially in the city. An e-bike will help you get away fast in the morning. You avoid the stress of miles of traffic jams, no parking spaces and buses that aren’t one time. With an e-bike, you can park for free and you yourself decide the timetable.

    5. Green commuting

    One of the biggest perks of commuting with an e-bike is the green aspect. An e-bike is a climate-smart choice when it comes to commuting. The e-bike has a lower carbon footprint when compared to other vehicles like cars, trains and buses. Choosing an e-bike will help with better air quality, less road wear and a noise-free environment. A tip is to charge your e-bike with solar panels or other green energy to contribute to a healthy planet.

    Visit one of our stores or retailers to get help finding the perfect e-bike for your commute needs.